To spank, or not to spank. That is the question.
This issue has been heated for ages, and it isn't going anywhere. People are either for it, or against it, with no middle ground.
But maybe there is a middle ground that should be explored?
On one side of the spectrum lies corporal punishment. Spare the rod, fear thy parents, and the like. If you are a parent that follows these ideals, it is a fine line to walk in this generation.
I spank my child is not a favored conversation topic at most mom's groups. Instead, we speak of time outs and behavior management with a sense of social acceptance. And then someones toddler throws a tantrum and we listen repeatedly to his parents giving empty threats (If you do that one more time...) and we all think silently to ourselves,
Boy, that kid could really use a swat on the bum. Acceptable? Maybe not.
But it is food for thought.
Could there be
Positive Effects of Spanking? Is it possible that spanking is a symbol of the readiness of parents to set rules for their children? That is to say if it is done right: Discipline must be consistent and never done in anger. Those moments of anticipation, once sent to his room, are often worse than the punishment themselves. And it gives mom and dad some much needed time to cool off.
On the other end of the spectrum are those that believe you should never lay a hand on a child. (See
10 Reasons Not To Hit Your Child) There are many arguments supporting this claim. Hitting fosters hitting, little hands are meant to explore and should not be limited, spanking leads to anger, and simply, spanking does not work. On paper, these words make good sense.
And then life happens. And children misbehave.
We grow and change as parents. When we are expecting our first we have ideals and expectations, and we plan on reinventing the wheel overnight. We sit at dinner parties with other parents and silently judge the way they are parenting, and on the way home that night discuss in detail all the things that they did wrong and what we will do differently.
Our child will never be that way. Ah, how naive we once were. Now, two kids and many mistakes later, there is one solid truth I know:
Everyone is the perfect parent, until they become one.
I do not know the right answer to the spanking debate. I do not wish to harm my children, in fact, I wish the exact opposite. I want to keep them safe. When my toddler reaches for the hot oven, then, am I wrong to swat his hands away to keep him from getting burned? I do want to scare him. A simple 'no' will not suffice.
One could go back and forth for days on the topic, and spin in circles as a result. To lay in on the line: I have not spanked my children, yet. I am not opposed to it, though, as a last resort.
To spank, or not to spank; it may seem black and white. But as a mom I have learned one simple truth:
children introduce us to shades of grey.